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Table 2 Percentage of CGRP, amylin, CGRP and amylin co-expressing, CTR, and CTR and CGRP co-expressing, positive neurons that co-express NF200 (A-fibre marker) in rat DRG

From: Calcitonin receptor, calcitonin gene-related peptide and amylin distribution in C1/2 dorsal root ganglia



CGRP total

Amylin total

CGRP/amylin total

CTR total

CTR/CGRP total


Combined (6)

52 ± 4.2

38 ± 5.0

53 ± 5.3

28 ± 2.3

35 ± 2.9

Femalea (3)

46 ± 6.1

29 ± 1.0

44 ± 5.8

26 ± 0.8

31 ± 2.7

Malea (3)

58 ± 3.6

46 ± 6.8

63 ± 3.5^

31 ± 4.4

39 ± 4.2

  1. Data represent the percentage of CGRP, amylin, CGRP and amylin, CTR, or CTR and CGRP expressing neurons that also express NF200. Combined data are the mean ± s.e.m from six individual rats (three female and three male, individual animal numbers are shown as (n)
  2. ^P < 0.05 by unpaired Students’ t-test comparing between females and males within each species for each condition.
  3. aThere are no significant differences in the total number of NF200 or β tubulin III expressing neurons between female and male rats by unpaired Students’ t-test. Analysis of percentage of peptide and receptor co-expressing NF200 could not be performed in humans and mice, due to NF200 being unable to discriminate between human neuron subtypes (human) and constraints with the image analysis (mice, detailed in the Supplemental methods)