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Table 2 Comparison between M0 (baseline) and M3 (3 months after treatment with MAbs)

From: Early and annual projected savings from anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies in migraine prevention: a cost-benefit analysis in the working-age population






Headache days/month, mean (SD)

17.8 (7.4)

10.9 (7.7)


 < 0.001

Migraine days/month, mean (SD)

12.7 (7.1)

6.4 (6.1)


 < 0.001

Acute medication days/month, mean (SD)

12.2 (6.3)

7.3 (5)


 < 0.001

Triptans used/month, mean (SD)

8.4 (6.6)

4.2 (4.6)


 < 0.001

MIDAS score, median (Q1-Q3)

50 (95.0–27.8)

14 (45.3–4.0)


 < 0.001

HIT-6 score, median (Q1-Q3)

65 (69.0–61.8)

55.5 (62–48.0)


 < 0.001

Total working hours, mean (SD)

37.1 (8.2)

36.5 (8.8)



Absenteeism (%), mean (SD)

13.4 (25.8)

8.4 (21.9)


 < 0.001

Presenteeism (%), mean (SD)

42.7 (29.5)

24.3 (27)


 < 0.001

  1. Absenteeism: % of hours not worked due to headache. Presenteeism: laboral productivity affected by headache. Abbreviations: SD Standard deviation, Q1-Q3 Interquartile range, WPAI Work productivity and activity impairment, HIT-6 score Headache impact severity level, MIDAS Migraine Disability Assessment