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Table 1 Patient demographics and baseline characteristics

From: Treatment patterns and characteristics of patients with migraine: results from a retrospective database study in Japan


Headache cohort

N = 989,514

Migraine cohort

N = 165,339

Age at the index date (years)

 Mean ± SD

40.3 ± 12.9

38.8 ± 11.7

Sex, n (%)


429,089 (43.4)

57,877 (35.0)


560,425 (56.6)

107,462 (65.0)

Follow-up duration (months)

 Mean ± SD

23.8 ± 16.3

23.3 ± 15.9

Diagnosis at index, n (%)


842,630 (85.2)



163,559 (16.5)

165,339 (100.0)

Comorbidities during baseline period, n (%)

 Total patients with any kind of comorbidities

318,622 (32.2)

56,235 (34.0)

 Cerebrovascular disease

36,866 (3.7)

6,103 (3.7)


126,754 (12.8)

15,723 (9.5)

 Ischemic heart diseases

21,916 (2.2)

2,671 (1.6)

 Peripheral vascular disease

20,813 (2.1)

3,119 (1.9)

 Any of the cardiovascular-related comorbidities listed above

162,130 (16.4)

22,763 (13.8)

 Malignant neoplasm of brain

476 (0.0)

49 (0.0)

 Malignant neoplasms (except for brain)

24,080 (2.4)

3,138 (1.9)


976 (0.1)

176 (0.1)

 Mood (affective) disorders

69,504 (7.0)

17,154 (10.4)

 Neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders

99,607 (10.1)

22,726 (13.7)


14,470 (1.5)

3,352 (2.0)

 Disorders of thyroid gland

41,440 (4.2)

7,350 (4.4)

 Diabetes mellitus

69,989 (7.1)

8,657 (5.2)

  1. NA Not applicable, SD Standard deviation