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Fig. 8 | The Journal of Headache and Pain

Fig. 8

From: Progesterone distribution in the trigeminal system and its role to modulate sensory neurotransmission: influence of sex

Fig. 8

Examination of progesterone's modulation on capsaicin induced CGRP release from rat dura mater and TG. The impact of progesterone on capsaicin induced CGRP release in both male and female rat tissues. The panels illustrate CGRP release following pre-treatment with 10 µM progesterone/vehicle and subsequent addition of 100 nM capsaicin in male dura mater (A), male TG (B), female dura mater (C), and female TG (D). In the male dura mater, there is a trend towards increased CGRP release, whereas a significant reduction is observed in the male TG. No substantial changes are noted in female tissues. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 5) and are displayed as a percentage of the vehicle control. Statistical significance was determined using Student's t-test, with * = P < 0.05 indicating a significant difference

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