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Fig. 2 | The Journal of Headache and Pain

Fig. 2

From: Identifying causal genes for migraine by integrating the proteome and transcriptome

Fig. 2

Manhattan plots for the migraine PWASs in the human brain and plasma proteomes. Manhattan plot for the PWAS integrating the migraine GWAS with the ROSMAP proteomes (n = 376) (A), Banner proteomes (n = 152) (B), and plasma proteomes (n = 152) (C). Each dot on the x-axis represents a gene, and the association strength on the y-axis represents the -log10(p) of PWAS. Proteome-wide significance level in the ROSMAP dataset was set at p < 4.363 × 10–5(adjusted by Bonferroni multiple testing correction method). Proteome-wide significance level was set at p < 4.41 × 10–5 (adjusted by the method of multiple testing correction is the Bonferroni adjustment.) for the Banner dataset. Proteome-wide significance level in the ROSMAP dataset was set at p < 3.71 × 10–5(adjusted by Bonferroni multiple testing correction method). Proteome-wide significant genes (ICA1L, TREX1, CISD2, and STAT6) in both brain proteomes are shown in red. Chr, chromosome

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